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Mefeedia: Extensive But Buggy Multimedia Search

Despite some bugs in the interface, Marshall Kirkpatrick says that Mefeedia, the online video community that offers multimedia search, "is now a better media search engine than probably any other available." That's a tall claim, but Kirkpatrick backs it up by illustrating the various kinds of media that Mefeedia can sift through, including video from major video sharing sites like YouTube, Veoh and Metacafe, TV sites like Hulu, music from Imeem, podcasts and even SlideShare presentations.

"Mefeedia isn't doing any fancy speech-to-text analysis or probably anything other than searching titles, description and tag fields - but that's ok," Kirkpatrick says. "Other services that leverage heavy technology for media search (like Blinkx or Everyzing) may be good for high-stakes reputation tracking, but as a user I just want an extensive index and a good user experience."

Interface issues knock the stellar offering down a notch, as the service is AJAX-heavy, creating an "undifferentiated mass of lines and white space, fields running over each other and ugly pop-up screens," Kirkpatrick says. Still, while it's not pretty, Mefeedia is extensive and relatively easy to use.

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