
Net Costly for Inner City

  • by January 23, 2001
Net Costly for Inner City

A recent survey by FleetBoston shows that residents of inner-city households with incomes of $40,000 or less are very interested to learn how to use the Internet, but cite a lack of familiarity with the Web and the high cost of equipment as reasons for not connecting.

The study, which polled 1,600 residents from urban areas such as Boston and New York's Harlem, found that 56% knew very little about the Net while 80 percent said they would be willing to learn if given the opportunity. "The survey points out that the digital divide is not only an income-based problem, but one of race and educational levels," said Gail Snowden, executive vice president of FleetBoston. Also, the study found that 42% of the respondents had computers, yet only 32% had Net connections.

From the Online Journalism Review.

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