Web Ad Spending Continues Growth Despite Decline Among Top Spenders

  • November 13, 2000
Internet advertising continued its growth through October, increasing 7.9% to approximately $1.7 billion overall, according AdZone Interactive. While the top ten advertised brands seemed to have lowered their spending by 18.6% overall to $149.5 million, AOL.com Shop regained the number one spot among top brands advertised on the web, with an advertising value of approximately $23.4 million. AOL.com, Yahoo.com and ebay.com were once again the top three websites respectively, rankings they have held since July. Ad revenues of the top ten sites were valued at approximately $339.4 million, the highest reported revenues since June of this year. "It's evident advertisers are getting great value out of the web by the continued increase in spending we see each month," said John Cardona, president of AdZone Interactive. "I don't think this is a trend that will change anytime soon, especially since we are entering the holiday season."
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