All The News That's Fit For Cafes, NY Times Goes Out-of-Home

This morning saw the unveiling of the biggest partnership between a media brand and a digital out-of-home network so far in 2010, with a new tie-up between The New York Times and RMG Networks (previously known as Danoo).

The new digital place-based media channel, Today, will deliver a combination of text and video content and advertising, including options for mobile interactivity, to hundreds of RMG's IP-based network of digital displays in top markets around the country. Today will be delivered to RMG displays in 800 cafes and eateries in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco markets. Altogether, the NYT content will reach six million people every month, including a high proportion of professionals -- with content including news headlines, photos, and a selection of videos. Viewers who are interested in seeing more detail can follow on-screen pointers directing them to Today's dedicated mobile site with, where they can read the full text of articles. RMG CEO Garry McGuire said about 45% of the editorial content is online video from NYT.



On the advertising front, McGuire touted the flexibility of the digital network, which can deliver both video advertising and Internet-style rectangular display ads, making it relatively easy for advertisers to repurpose Internet and TV ads for the DO medium. RMG also offers highly targeted advertising tailored to specific locations, offering special coupons and promotions -- for example, a recent campaign for Walgreen's advertising flu shots, with directions to nearby stores. All these ad options can also incorporate mobile interactivity.

RMG will continue to handle ad sales for the network, and is already handling placements for a number of major NYT advertisers, including GM and Sprint. The NYT will also benefit by using the network as a marketing channel, as the venues reached by RMG sell copies of the newspaper's print edition.

1 comment about "All The News That's Fit For Cafes, NY Times Goes Out-of-Home".
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  1. Tim Mccormick from McCormick Fields, March 1, 2010 at 1:54 p.m.

    OK folks, This is the future.

    Now, how many citizens can still read?

    Multiply that number times the cost of a generic
    cup of coffee and multiply that number times
    360 annual purchases and you have your most
    basic potential-purchase standard to measure potential
    sustainable profit.

    The New York Times people have a good thing going here.

    Somebody should be dancing.

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