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Public Trusts Cable News Most

  • Yahoo, Tuesday, May 4, 2010 11:36 PM
A new "60 Minutes"/Vanity Fair poll suggests that the majority of the 1,026 adult respondents said they find CNN and Fox News to be "more trustworthy" than a couple of major newspapers and the news divisions at the broadcast networks. (MSNBC was not included in the mix.) 32% picked CNN as the most trustworthy news source, with 29% chose Fox. Breaking down the numbers along party lines, it seems that half of those who identify as Republicans chose Fox, while 46% of Democrats went with CNN.

The broadcast networks were described as "most trustworthy" by just 13% of respondents, followed by The New York Times (8%), The Wall Street Journal and Comedy Central's "The Daily Show" tied at 4%.

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