L90 Snags a Lion

  • September 5, 2001
Media company L90, Inc. has announced that Lions Gate Films has chosen it to help promote the release of its new movie release, "O," a contemporary retelling of William Shakespeare's "Othello." The Lions Gate campaign is based around a sweepstakes promotion, offering users the chance to win a week "Shakespearean" vacation to London. L90's Marketing and Creative Services Group developed a customized campaign for Lions Gate Films that includes numerous ProfiTools, L90's suite of digital marketing tools. The L90-created "O" powerads, skyscrapers, banners, eyeblaster, and WildBill are being promoted through targeted channels on the L90 network, including L90's Entertainment Channel, which the company says reaches over 22% of the Internet audience. The WildBill image is the same creative used in the "O" offline movie posters and one-sheets that are used for outdoor advertising, providing Lions Gate Films with a natural adaptation of its offline campaign to online. Within the "O" Powerad is a flash intro, information about the movie and cast, and a link to the official "O" website, www.othemovie.com, which is where the sweepstakes promotion is located. All of the ProfiTools are served and tracked by adMonitor, L90's proprietary marketing technology.
- Adam Bernard
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