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NPR's Argo Launches With 12 Sites

NPR just launched its $3 million local journalism effort Project Argo: 12 sites hosted by 14 stations, each zeroing in on a topic of specific interest to that community -- local music in Philly, education and technology in the Bay Area, climate change on Cape Cod. Now another clock starts ticking: The pilot project is funded only through fiscal year 2011.

NPR wants to show that with the right resources, stations can create beats of value to the community and, in turn, increase their own audience and value by using the Internet as a platform for original content. Those resources include the funding to hire dedicated reporter-bloggers who come at the topic from a Web-first, not radio-first direction and the technology to support the sites. It's all about helping members find a digital strategy beyond having a companion Web site for a radio station.



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