
What's So Interesting About Google, Anyway?

I just received my review copy of "I'm Feeling Lucky, The Confessions of Google Employee # 59" by Douglas Edwards. That brings to six the number of Google themed books that are sitting on my bookshelf (including one by fellow Insider Aaron Goldman). 

That got me to …

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  1. Rick Monihan from None, July 7, 2011 at 1:59 p.m.

    I did a search on AOL and found 7 books, which I thought was pretty amazing. I counted "Burn Rate" as an AOL book because it played such a key role in the story. Still, considering the current state of the company as opposed to its original status, even 7 was somewhat astounding.

    But I don't think any company really warrants 11 books. Especially the kind of fawning tripe that is issued these days. I don't think you have to dig up dirt on a company to write about it, but neither should you publish just because you love a company so much it hurts.

    In the end, as well as some of these authors may have been treated, and as good, smart, or amazing they feel their company may have been, there are sure to be plenty of others who disagree and for a variety of reasons. Some those reasons may be inane, some overly personal, some just slighted, but some truly justified. While some may have the skill to write, and all have the opportunity, they also face the likelihood of a massive lawsuit if they put one word out of context or out of sorts.

    Google's story, in my estimation, is a very good one, but when I think about the nature of our economy, I'd have to say many other companies are or were just as important and awe-inspiring. I've worked for some. Google is just benefitting from being "in the now". This is neither a good nor a bad thing - it's just a thing we all do, which is tend to focus on what's right in front of us.

    If I were to write about search, I think I'd opt for an historical perspective. How about Melvil Dewey? Talk about a story with a downside....

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