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Earnings Call: NBC, Time Inc. Down

Here come the Q2 earnings reports. At Comcast, "one continued weak spot"  was NBCUniversal, whose broadcast network revenue fell 9%, with flat ad revenue, according to Amy Chozick. Cable channels like USA, CNBC and MSNBC improved their ad revenue by 4%. But the biggest gain for Comcast overall was "$2.38 billion in revenue from high-speed Internet subscribers," which helped to bolster "its net income by 32% and [underscore] the company’s continuing transition from cable giant to broadband provider," writes Chozick

At Time Warner, revenue for networks like TNT, TBS and HBO rose 4%, with high ratings and critical acclaim particularly bolstering the latter. "Higher subscription and advertising revenues helped offset a 5% decline in content revenues," writes Chozick. But weak spots like the company's publishing arm, Time Inc., which saw a 7% drop in ad revenue and a 9% drop in total revenue, "contributed to a 32.6% decline in net income" for the company overall.



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