Google's New App Provides Unpromoted Info

  • September 28, 2012

Google has created a new mobile app providing users with facts about the places around them. The twist: it is unprompted, users haven't asked for the information, reports The New York Times. The app, Field Trip, offers historical trivia about a park or reviews a nearby restaurant. Its creation may reveal where Google is going. Google, along with other companies, is intrigued by ubiquitous computing or ambient intelligence — computers woven into the texture of life. The theory: one day, computers will be part of the environment, knowing where people are and anticipating what they want to know.

1 comment about "Google's New App Provides Unpromoted Info".
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  1. Martin Virtel from, September 29, 2012 at 1:21 p.m.

    That headline should read "unprompted".

    Brace for investors selling the stock after reading only the title ;-)

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