Toys R Us Offers TV Via Tabeo

Toysrus-MoviesToys R Us is jumping into the online streaming business, offering movies and TV shows just as it prepares to launch its own kid-targeted tablet, tabeo. The service offers TV series appealing across ages from “Gossip Girl” to “The Flinstones.”

Warner Bros. looks to be the leading content provider on the TV side so far as it offers current shows on the CW and library content that includes “Full House” and “Friends.” Movies stretch from young adult-targeted “School of Rock” to toddler-oriented “Curious George.”

Shows such as “Gossip Girl” will be available the day after broadcast. Films will be made available the same day DVDs are in stores, although in some cases Toys R Us will have rights before that.

Toys R Us said more than 4,000 movie and TV titles are available on PCs via The service is set to expand to the tabeo (cost $149.99) when it is released Oct. 21, as well as Blu-ray players and other devices in time. There will also be HD content.

Toys R Us Movies, with Rovi Corp. providing technology, offers parental controls and uses a micropayment system not subscription fees. Films start at $2.99 for a 24-hour rental, while most TV shows cost $1.99. Higher fees come for downloads.

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