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Don't Confuse RTB With Programmatic

The digital ad industry needs to stop confusing real-time bidding (RTB) with programmatic, iMedia Connection argues. They write, "The failure to distinguish the two could result in advertisers missing out on one of the biggest technological leaps in decades."

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2 comments about "Don't Confuse RTB With Programmatic".
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  1. Cary McGuckin from ServiceMaster, August 14, 2013 at 4:53 p.m.

    Is this the entire article? seems a bit light on content.
    The digital ad industry needs to stop confusing real-time bidding (RTB) with programmatic, iMedia Connection argues. They write, "The failure to distinguish the two could result in advertisers missing out on one of the biggest technological leaps in decades."

  2. Tyler Loechner from MediaPost, August 14, 2013 at 4:56 p.m.

    Cary, thanks for pointing that out. Not sure why it didn't the rest here -----

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