
Girls Online

  • by January 2, 2001
Girls Online

In a press release on 12/13, Statistical Research, Inc. described some of the results of their report How Children Use Media Technology. They noted that though the typical Internet surfer has often been depicted as a teenage boy wearing a backwards baseball cap, the report suggests that girls are actually more avid web users.

Drawing on firsthand interviews with kids, the study shows that girls, ages 8 to 17, spent more time on-line (yesterday) than boys (46 minutes versus 35) and that they used the Internet on more days of the past week (2.7 days versus 2.0).

In addition, girls are more likely to engage in a variety of key Internet activities on a daily basis, including sending/receiving email, instant messaging (twice as likely as boys), and downloading music.

"Overall, girls seem to be active builders of communities on the Web," observed David C. Tice, SRI's Director of Client Services. "They are more likely to use it to keep 'in touch,' and they tend to value all communications media more highly. By contrast, boys appear to look at the Web more as a toy."

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