
2014: The Tipping Point For Mobile

We’ve known for years that a reliable way for marketers to reach moms is through their portable devices. But I think history is going to look back on 2014 as the real tipping point for mobile marketing. This was the year when mobile became more than a valuable tool in your kit — it became the single most important medium for engaging with moms. From this point on, if your message isn’t mobile, Mom’s probably going to miss it.

Anatomy of a tipping point

What makes 2014 so significant? Among other factors, it was the year when:

  • Younger Millennials started getting the majority of their entertainment — 56% — from devices other than the television (think tablets and smartphones). 
  • Almost half of moms — 46% — said they would return home for their smartphone but not their wallet. That's a leap of 26% above last year’s response. 
  • A majority of moms — 59% — said mobile marketing influences their purchases of new products. That’s an increase of 26% over 2013.

Looking back on the mobile trends we tracked during this exciting year, I can see three areas of significant influence or potential for growth: shopping, entertainment, and fitness. Let’s review our findings in these areas so we can start 2015 with smarter, more targeted mobile campaigns.


Our most recent research finds that a large majority of moms — 79% — use their mobile device as an in-store shopping tool. In addition to comparing prices, moms use their phones to search for product information and online coupons. Luckily, showrooming doesn’t always result in lost sales. Among moms who use their smartphone for shopping activities, 52% say they make an in-store purchase after doing their research.

Recommendation for 2015: Retailers should continue to woo comparison-shopping moms with low prices and online coupons. And whenever possible, offer easy-to-find product information, customer reviews, and how-to videos to help her make informed choices.


More than eight in ten new moms — 83% — are Millennials, which means they get their entertainment from just about anywhere except their TV. A recent Deloitte study found that Millennials turn to their laptops, smartphones, tablets, and Internet-connected video-gaming systems for more than half of their entertainment. 

Recommendation for 2015: Marketers who want to reach young moms while they’re consuming entertainment are better off aiming for their portable devices — particularly their smartphones. 

Health & Fitness

Health and fitness tracking was a big trend in 2014, with hundreds of companies vying for space on our wrists, ankles, and smartphones. Our research shows that while only 31% of moms currently track their activity and fitness on their smartphones, 45% would do it if it were easier. 

An even bigger gap exists in the wearable fitness device market: 19% of moms currently own a wearable fitness tracker such as a Fitbit, but an impressive 80% of moms are very or somewhat interested in these products. Clearly, this is an area of strong interest for moms, and a big opportunity for marketers and developers.

Recommendation for 2015:Health and fitness companies that want to reach moms need to make their apps and devices as easy and convenient as possible. Getting fit is hard enough; the technology shouldn’t make it harder.

So whether you’re hoping to reach Mom as she shops for school supplies, watches a music video, plays a game, or takes a spinning class, make sure you’re on the right side of the mobile tipping point. We’ll be keeping an eye on these trends in the year to come, so stay tuned as we help you make the most of your mobile marketing efforts in 2015.

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