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OpenX Racked Up $140M In Net Revenue In 2015

TechCrunch put its spin on the financials of ad tech provider OpenX, which reports racking up $140 million in net revenue (basically, revenue after ad payments have been distributed to publishers) in 2015, up 40% year-over-year. The company isn’t disclosing the size of its profits, but it does say that it’s profitable, and that its profits have tripled over the past two years. “As our core business continues to scale profitably, we are using our strong financial and market position to invest aggressively in innovative high-growth areas like video and new buying models; in the next generation of our No. 1 ranked quality control platform for ad quality and traffic quality; in customer development and service for all our clients globally and most fundamentally, in our people,” said CEO Tim Cadogan in a statement.

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