
DigitasLBi Teams With Facebook To Launch Live-Streamed Morning Show

Expanding its focus on live streaming, Facebook has partnered with DigitasLBi to produce a live-streamed morning show called Rise and Shine. The show will appear three to five times each week within subscribers' newsfeeds and on the Facebook page of sponsoring brands. A Facebook chat bot will alert subscribers when a new show streams. 

The show, unveiled during the Digital Content Newfronts, is said to focus on a variety of topics including recipes, local weather, workouts and other talk show-worthy subjects. Each episode will be sponsored by one of DigitalsLBi's clients. 

With a mouthful of marketing babble, the show is described as "a deconstructed morning talk show built-for-feed, audience-first branded programming." Episodes will be saved like regular videos which can be promoted and viewed after initial airing. DigitalLBI will handle all of the show's programming and talent.

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