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Facebook Challenges Lawsuit Over Oculus VR

  • Forbes, Thursday, January 12, 2017 10:29 AM

Monday marked the start of a $2 billion Dallas trial that emerged from a lawsuit by video game company ZeniMax, alleging that Facebook-owned Oculus VR stole some of its key technology and promoted a fake origin story to hide the truth. Facebook, which acquired Oculus for $2 billion in 2014, denies the claims, which could lead CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify in court. In court documents, ZeniMax said Facebook purchased Oculus with “full awareness” that some of its core intellectual property, namely the software and hardware for Oculus’ virtual reality goggles, was stolen from ZeniMax by a “singularly experienced” employee, John Carmack, who left the video game company to join Oculus in 2013. Facebook and Oculus executives included in the lawsuit deny wrongdoing and say ZeniMax’s story is false. ZeniMax is pursuing $2 billion in damages.

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