
VML's Touching CERF Campaign

Earlier this month, 32 young women—part of a choir assembled by the United Nations—performed in the heart of midtown Manhattan, just a stone’s throw from St. Patrick’s Cathedral. 

They sang a newly created version of "Silent Night" with lyrics that described their plight (and many others) as refugees that had experienced the pain and fear of being trapped in a war zone.

The effort was orchestrated by WPP’s VML on behalf of the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund. Its primary focus is to deliver rapid funding to humanitarian crises as they occur, helping to bring food, water and other lifesaving aid to people in situations of conflict or natural disaster. 

VML turned the performance into a docu-style video now available on social media, with the goal of raising funds for the UN’s CERF. 

Have a look here. It’s a touching reminder of the horrific strife suffered by many around the world. And if it moves you to support CERF, you can do that here.


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