TBWA\London Wins Harvey Nichols Account

London-based luxury retailer Harvey Nichols is appointing Omnicom’s TBWA\London for above-the-line advertising duties. 

The account was previously held by adam&eveDDB, also part of Omnicom. 

The client’s group marketing and creative director, Deborah Bee decided to move the account to TBWA\London after working with the agency in her previous role at Harvey Nichols competitor Harrod’s, where she was marketing director. 

Bee stated, “In my experience, TBWA\London have always delivered highly effective and creative work. With the agency’s new leadership team fostering a renewed sense of energy throughout the company, the idea of giving them an opportunity to work on the Harvey Nichols account became irresistible.” 

That new leadership team is headed by Sara Tate who was appointed CEO TBWA\London last September. Tate added, “Harvey Nichols is such a creatively rich brand so we’re incredibly excited to be working with them. Initially, we will be working together to strategically reposition the brand with the aim of increasing high-end footfall and further developing fashion brand partnerships. This will give us the perfect platform for creating the top-notch work that Deborah Bee rightly expects of us.”




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