Return Path Backs Gender Equality Film

Email service provider Return Path is sponsoring a documentary on gender equality titled Pioneers in Skirts as part of a larger effort to eliminate bias in the workplace. 

In addition, the company plans to hold a “Day of Action” at each of its offices worldwide later this summer to address gender issues.

The film is now being completed by director Ashley Maria and producer Lea-Ann Berst, a mother-daughter team that has been interviewing people for over five years on the obstacles women face in their careers. It is set to debut in late 2018. 

Return Path has had a long partnership with the National Center for Women & Information Technology, resulting in several changes within the company:

A streamlined interview process designed to eliminate bias and improve the candidate and improve the experience for the candidate.

Revised job description that remove language that could dissuade women from applying. 

“Bias-busting” workshops to help employees learn to identify unconscious bias. 

A formal mentoring program that provides coaching and skill development for less experienced employees. 

“We believe that everyone in our company plays a vital role in creating an inclusive culture — and we further believe that every company has a responsibility to create a safe, bias-free work environment,” states Cathy Hawley, senior vice president of human resources at Return Path.


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