European Grocers Get Lists Of Those In Need Of Food Packages That Had Been Blocked By GDPR

European supermarkets have been given access to lists of vulnerable people who are isolating in place and need food packages.

Previously, GDPR concerns blocked release of the addresses of 1.5 million affected people, according to TechDirt.

The affected individuals could either “eat or have their privacy protected. But not both,” TechDirt writes. 

TechDirt had written that grocers were “waiting for a list of those self isolating for 12 weeks due to underlying health conditions so they can be prioritized for deliveries.” 

Now it adds: “Fortunately, for everyone involved — especially those considered to be at-risk — this has been sorted out.” 

It is not clear whether those sheltering in place had been asked for permission to release their information. GDPR prevents release of email addresses, names and other data without consent. 

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