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New Warner-AOL TV Service Offers Marketers New Opportunities

Good news for marketers who are sick and tired of having their TV commercials zapped by viewers equipped with digital video recorders. Warner Brothers is launching a new Internet service in which viewers can watch old TV shows for free on their computer screens via WB sister company America Online's Web portal. But unlike shows on regular TV, these programs will carry a maximum of two minutes of commercials that cannot be skipped. That amount pales in comparison to the eight minutes of ads per half hour on regular television, but those spots can be skipped over when the programs are recorded for later viewing. That's an issue that marketers have been struggling to overcome for years as new technology has made it increasingly easier for viewers to ignore commercials. For Warner's part, the service, dubbed In2TV, allows the company to reap new advertising revenue from a huge trove of old programming that is not widely syndicated.



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