
BBH USA Takes On Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' Bill With Pro Bono Project

The Changemakers, a group of youth leaders at Miami’s Alliance For LGBTQ Youth have teamed with agency BBH USA (part of Publicis Groupe) to publish a new children’s book called “The Courage To Be Truly Free: Coco’s Blueprint For Self Revival.”

The book is designed to support Florida’s youth in response to the state’s “Don't Say Gay” bill which bans instruction by teachers on sexual orientation and gender identity to younger students. According to the agency and the advocacy group, the book “carries a message of hope and resilience, teaching lessons of self-discovery for children everywhere.” 

The book was issued earlier this week on the same day that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued his memoir, “The Courage To Be Free,” which promotes his right-wing (and anti-gay) agenda as he pursues a bid for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.



In fact the book was shared publicly for the first time Feb. 28 during a “Drag Story Hour” reading at Common Ground, the only LGBTQ and feminist-focused bookstore in Tallahassee, FL, which is just a few blocks from the Governor’s Mansion.

The book is available on Amazon, as a Kindle ebook or a paperback for purchase, with all proceeds going to The Alliance for LGBTQ Youth. It is also available for free download at

BBH USA is working on the project pro bono. ““The most dangerous thing that can happen is we stop talking about the bills that hurt people the most,” said Kasia Canning, Executive Creative Director at BBH USA. “This book is our attempt to re-spark outcry and remind America's youth that we haven't forgotten or given up on them.” 

“We believe that children have the right to learn about diversity and inclusion in a safe and supportive environment,” added Pauline Green (she/her), Executive Director at The Alliance. “They also have the right to be themselves in the classroom and to see themselves and their families reflected in the curriculum.  “The ‘Don't Say Gay’ bill has attempted to take away this right, but 'The Courage to be Truly Free’ is giving it back.”




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