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Do As I Write....

Columbia Journalism School Dean Nick Lemann couldn't have been clearer in a recent article about the growing influence of the Web, writes David Hirschman in Editor & Publisher. But Lemann, who wrote that "as journalism moves to the Internet, the main project ought to be moving reporters there," turned his own words on their heads. Last week, he told staffers at CJR Daily that he will slash the site's budget in half to prop up the money-losing print edition of the Columbia Journalism Review. "It's not unusual for a media company to make cuts to balance the bottom line," Hirschman says, but "this decision to cut from the Web in order to keep the print magazine afloat is pretty counterintuitive." By shifting resources to the print edition, he continues, CJR "is essentially saying that it would rather serve the 20,000 aging journalists who still like to get a paper edition in their mailboxes (and attract a few more perhaps), than continue or expand the dynamic, globally accessible product [CJR Daily] has created over the past year and a half."



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