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Kinky's Got Bill For Ads

Bill Hillsman has a history of helping long shots win, which is why he's on the team of Kinky Friedman, now running for governor of Texas, writes the Dallas Morning News. The Minnesota ad whiz used Jesse Ventura's personality in commercials that put him into that state's governorship and Hillsman also helped turn an obscure Minnesota professor named Paul Wellstone into a household name and a U.S. senator. And his quirky TV spots helped lift political unknown Ned Lamont to victory over veteran Sen. Joe Lieberman. So when Friedman launched his first TV ads of the fall campaign, likening himself to the Good Shepherd from the Bible, it was Hillsman again. "My theory is, never change a candidate," he says. "I've covered up some flaws of candidates on occasion, but I'm not going to put a candidate through finishing school or fundamentally change them."



Read the whole story at Dallas Morning News via Washington Post »

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