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ConAgra Serves Up New Product Buffet

Gary M. Rodkin, the CEO of ConAgra, invited two dozen Wall Street analysts to ConAgra's headquarters in Omaha Monday to show off the first new products of his 20-month tenure.

Besides shoveling in a Healthy Choice panini sandwich, Rodkin rolled out Healthy Choice dinners that do not get mushy when microwaved because the sauce is cooked in a separate container, Orville Redenbacher popcorn that is low in sodium but retains a salty taste, and Chef Boyardee microwave-ready macaroni and cheese that does not require the addition of water or cheese powder.

All of the products were updated twists on the company's old portfolio, and industry analysts credit Rodkin with steering ConAgra in the right direction after years of drift. But many remain skeptical that he can revive a business with so many second- and third-tier brands that struggle to retain shelf space in grocery aisles. Even its top sellers are in slow-growing categories.



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