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Newspapers Could Follow "On-Demand" Trend

A pair of new studies sheds some light on just how profound the coming changes in the newspaper industry might be. One British survey from Nielsen/NetRatings notes that the online editions of two large "quality" newspapers -- the Guardian and the Times of London -- have more American than British readers while The Independent has twice as many here as in Britain.

Some of this may be the snob factor, but with those kinds of numbers, there is something else going on. British papers farther down the road toward what looks like the future of newspaper journalism, one that places a much higher premium on analysis and opinion than do serious American newspapers.

Another study from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that about one-quarter of Americans use the Internet as their primary news source, and the ones who do are younger, better-educated and more dissatisfied with the news media.



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