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Singleton Tells Newspapers To Drop The 'Arrogance'

MediaNews Group CEO William Dean Singleton urged newspaper leaders at the World Newspaper Congress to "discard our arrogance" and focus on what readers need. At the conference he said his industry should embrace the Internet, while making the core print product more efficient. "Once and for all, we're going to have to quit writing and editing for each other and write and edit for that consumer out there," he said.

Singleton's privately held MediaNews, with 60 papers in 12 states, has been busy acquiring newspapers in recent years, including several in California. He says by 2012, half his company's operating profit will come from his online business, 40% from newspapers, with the rest from "niche" publications.

Singleton also noted that MediaNews has hired management-consultant firm Bain & Co. to help it reshape its business. "We expect our business to look a lot different next year."



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