
MS3 Marketing - Colgate Palmolive/Speed Stick 24/7

  • by August 26, 2008
MS3 Marketing
Colgate Palmolive/Speed Stick 24/7
Finalist Use of Gaming

Jerry Scullion, creative director; Tommy Rausch, senior art director; Suzanne Reimer, vice president, account director; Tina Franks, account director

For the new mennen speed stick 24/7 gametime scent, ms3 created the fictional success story of Tony Robbins-like motivational speaker "Guy Mennen." He insinuated himself into every imaginable social network, appeared in in-game and around-game ads, and featured "gamelets" on his own popular site. The gamelets touched the young male demo's key passion points, such as music, cars and humor. Unlike many other overtly game-directed campaigns, ms3's Speed Stick strategy was fully integrated: Gaming was a piece of an overall fantasy lifestyle. The campaign accurately mapped the way the game platform itself relates to the target audience's lives.

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