
Google Hot Trends On USA Election Day, 2008

Considering that I am writing this column on election day in the U.S., I thought it would be interesting to take a look at what people are searching for on this historic day, courtesy of Google Hot Trends.  Google Hot Trends is a lot like Google Trends, except it's hotter.  Actually, Hot Trends is an up-to-the minute mini-Zeitgeist of fastest rising daily search trends in Big G.  Needless to say, the election is overwhelmingly on everyone's minds, but so are doughnuts, coffee, chicken sandwiches and other free stuff.  In terms of search popularity today, voters win, and a few brands even win.  Before we get into the Top 100 Hot Trends, let's take a quick look at the top campaign-related queries during the general election season (Sept. 1 through Nov. 4), courtesy of Google:

Top Political Personas
1. Obama
2. Palin
3. McCain
4. Tina Fey
5. Joe Biden
6. Chuck Norris
7. Cindy McCain
8. Bristol Palin
9. SNL Palin
10. Colin Powell

If you want to know why Chuck Norris is on this list, it's not because of his endorsement of Huckabee, it's because he counted to infinity - twice.  And also because America is not a democracy - it's a Chucktatorship.   Read more of Chuck's favorite facts at  

Top Political Topics
1. Debate
2. Social Security
3. Presidential Debate
4. Polls
5. Voter Registration
6. Gas Prices
7. Oil Prices
9. Electoral College
10. Socialism

Top Political News Sources
1. Drudge
2. Huffington Post
3. Gallup
4. Real Clear Politics
5. Rasmussen
6. Rush Limbaugh
7. Politico
8. 538
9. CNN Politics
10. Daily Kos

Here are a few of the most popular brands giving away free stuff on Election Day:
-    Chick-Fil-A
-    Ben and Jerry's
-    Krispy Kreme
-    Starbucks
-    Shane's Rib Shack
-    California Tortilla

In the Top 100 Hot Trends list, people were looking for the following things:
-    Exit poll info, results
-    Election news
-    Electoral College info
-    Voting shenanigans (intimidation, problems, etc.)
-    Brands giving away free stuff

While the Top 100 Hot trends list is heavily weighed around an election theme, we should note some of the other non-election items that caught our attention on this day:
-    Perceptive Pixel (arguably election related - neato touch screen technology used by CNN and SNL)
-    The Perfect Store
-    Circuit City closing stores
-    Kindle reader (the Oprah Effect continues)

And now, here is the full Top 100 Google Hot Trends as of 2:00 PM CNST (that's Chuck Norris Standard Time, formerly known as "Central Standard Time") on Election Tuesday, 2008.  

1. exit polls 2008
2. black panthers
3. election results 2008
4. irina shayk
5. early voting exit polls
6. voting results
7. election update
8. who s winning the election
9. poll results
10. election polls
11. poll results obama vs mccain
12. election news
13. election returns
14. election coverage
15. chick fil a
16. current polls
17. who is winning the presidential race
18. cnn polls
19. early voting results 2008
20. jim moran
21. election status
22. presidential polls by state
23. msnbc politics
24. ben and jerrys
25. hey its free
26. cnn politics
27. election day freebies
28. free stuff for voting
29. fox news live
30. election tracker
31. voter turnout
32. krispy kreme locations
33. electoral college
34. electoral vote
35. poll update
36. why do we vote on tuesday
37. voting update
38. election map
39. voter intimidation
40. voting news
41. provisional ballot
42. presidential results
43. election 08
44. starbucks free coffee
45. i voted stickers
46. 2008 presidential election polls
47. election results so far
48. karl rove website
49. vote online
50. election standings
51. who s ahead in the polls
52. california propositions 2008
53. cnn electoral map
54. poll tracker
55. vote count
56. karl rove electoral map
57. current election poll results
58. voting status
59. nbcnews
60. free stuff on election day
63. voting freebies
64. election progress
65. foxnews
66. who is leading in the polls
67. shanes rib shack
68. voting problems
69. brooke smith
70. starbucks vote
71. fox news election results
72. california tortilla
73. early returns
74. real time election results
75. cnn election
76. vote today
77. the perfect store
78. where to vote california
79. perceptive pixel
80. chickfila
81. voting records
83. bob barr
84. california sample ballot 2008
85. election day 2008 us
86. philadelphia voting
87. israel national news
88. rush limbaugh listen live
89. am i registered to vote california
90. starbucks locations
91. politics
92. philip busse
93. election projections
94. kindle reader
95. how is the election going
96. prop 8 results
97. up to date election results
98. npr
99. circuit city closing stores
100. when will we know who is president

Read more about Google Hot Trends election monitoring at the Google blog.



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