• Sony's Surrender: The Sound And The Fuhrer
    It's hard to believe that the backstory surrounding "The Interview," the dimwitted bro-mance road movie that Sony Pictures ended up pulling from theaters Wednesday, could have achieved such levels of worldwide crisis and stupidity. Yet it did.
  • The Ruling Class And Delta: The Wings Of Econo-Man
    I know they're supposed to be stodgy; nothing quite out-stiffs the British Royals on state occasions. But for some naive reason (maybe only having to do with her terrific fashion sense), I thought that Kate and Prince William were the young and modernized versions. So I was surprised to see that during their recent trip to New York City, much was made of Kate's visit to a child development center in Harlem, where she -- get ready -- sat down and wrapped a Christmas gift.
  • The Latest Social Media Threads: Who Pulled Down The Jeans?
    It's hard to write about advertising and marketing when the most potent thing to happen overnight, after the jury decision not to prosecute the Eric Garner case was made known, was a spontaneous citizen "die-in" in Grand Central Station.
  • If You're Happy And You Know It, Stuff Your Face
    With the big gobble-gobble weekend approaching, it's probably a great time for Weight Watchers to debut this new 60-second spot, timed for prime family viewing on our first Post-Turkey Sunday. (AKA, when the stuffing hits the fan.)
  • Comedians Fighting For Control In Cars: Is Jerry Seinfeld Hyper-Aware?
    "Sweet fancy Moses!" See that? Scooping up any random line from a "Seinfeld" episode makes this opener about 400 times funnier than anything I could have come up with myself.
  • Rear Window: Have You Seen Kim K's Assets?
    No, it didn't break the Internet. And sorry, you can't unsee that impossibly large, oiled-up, whiskey-colored double spheroid that can stand in for so many things. I refer, of course, to the unexpected, slightly surreal images of Kim Kardashian West, cover star of Paper magazine's Winter 2014 "Break the Internet" issue.
  • Once Bitten, Twice Shy: DirecTV And The Movember Reveal
    Given all the sturm und drang of this week's midterm election coverage, plus nonstop news about Taylor Swift, it might have escaped your attention that November is Men's Health Awareness Month.
  • Selling T-shirt Feminism: Whose F-Bomb Is It, Anyway?
    I've written before about "Fempowerment," the current advertising and marketing trend filled with you-go-girl messages about breaking down barriers and building confidence and power. And I think I can safely say that with "Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism" by FCKH8.com, which has been buzzed about in social media for the last week, the trend has reached bottom. That would be dead bottom, south of Honey Boo Boo.
  • Being The Change, Seeing The Change -- And Not Shutting Up
    These days, ad people like to think that things are pretty gender-neutral in advertising city. It goes along the lines of "So stop your yapping about that whole gender gap-flap already. It hardly matters which bathroom you use. Just do the work. The work is all that counts."
  • Poached Eggs And The New Corporate Toast
    Earlier in the week, Apple and Facebook each revealed a new perk for their female employees: egg freezing and storage as a path of reproductive management for 20- and 30-something women. To me, it sounded straight out of The Onion.
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