• A Call: Principal Media Case Studies
    The ANA has a good start with some anonymous case studies in our recently published principal media study. Now we're calling for more.
  • Reimagining Maslow, But For Gen Z
    If you were going to reimagine Maslow's "hierarchy of needs" for an emerging consumer segment, who would you look at and what would you find? Here's what Mindshare learned about the new "phygital" needs of Gen Z.
  • The Creator/Advertiser Trust Delta
    New research indicates Americans trust creator content over advertising by a wide margin. That said, when it comes to trust, both forms of paid promotion are under water.
  • Microsoft Unveils The Copilot Of Media Planning
    You've heard of Copilot. Now there's "CoPlanner," a new AI-powered media planning tool Microsoft says will simplify the process for advertisers and agencies. It turns simple text prompts into planning specs and recommendations.
  • Training AI To Target People Better
    Dstillery will train its generative AI technology, named ID-free, through a partnership with Similarweb. The privacy-by-design predictive ad-targeting solution does not use identifiers.
  • Principal Media: Marketers, You Better Get Educated
    Increasingly, ad agencies are acting as principals rather than agents, meaning they acquire and own the media they resell to their clients. Keep reading if you want to understand the implications of that.
  • Are Attention Metrics On A Path To Becoming Advertising Currency?
    Based on this week's release of phase 2 of the ARF's validation initiative, it's complicated.
  • Mushiness
    The old joke about surveys is that the best thing about them is also the worst: people answer the questions. Meaning, there is inherent mushiness in every survey result.
  • The Principles Of Principal
    A new ANA report benchmarks the use of principal media-buying by agencies, but it raises more questions than it answers about the true magnitude of the practice. That said, a significant percentage of ANA members aren't even familiar with how it works.
  • Horizon: Audio Is The Next New Thing In Performance Media
    Mix and attribution models have always been about the input data, and when Horizon Media began ingesting audio, it found a surprising result: better ROI.
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