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Bob Lutz: Man On A Mission Accomplished

Automotive writer Dan Neil offers an illuminating sketch of General Motors vice chairman Bob Lutz, who is retiring only in the sense that he's leaving his job at the end of the year. His personality, on the other hand, is clearly on the other end of the spectrum.

"Like a basketball coach storming the hardwood to protest missed foul calls, Lutz uses his bluster, his charm, his authority and his cigar-gnashing persona -- whatever it takes -- to control and orient criticism of the cars and company," he writes. Neil offers several personal examples of Lutz' ire to back up his assertion, including his review of the Pontiac G6 that caused GM to yank its advertising -- temporarily -- from the Los Angeles Times. And don't miss Neil's take on Lutz' statement that global warming is a myth.

"For most auto journalists, challenging Lutz is like interrogating one of the granite heads on Mt. Rushmore," says Neil. "This is the car industry's version of the Great Man syndrome, whereby political reporters become enchanted with powerful politicians and go soft." That said, Neil claims he's always gotten along personally with the charismatic puffer of Robusto cigars, and his "utterly charming" wife.



Read the whole story at Los Angeles Times »

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