
The Medium Is The President

That was the keen observation made by CBS News anchor Bob Schieffer this morning, recounting the succession of then emerging media platforms that were embraced, and leveraged by the astute presidential campaigners of their times.

It was Franklin D. Roosevelt who first understood and embraced the power of radio, and figured out it was an intimate, “one-to-one” medium in which he spoke directly to American voters in their homes. Hence the “fireside chat.”

It was John F. Kennedy who first understand and leveraged the power of television, and exploited his telegenic qualities to win and command the presidency.

It was Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich who first understood the power of C-Span, and used it to help win the Republican mandate of his era.

And it was Barack Obama who first understood the power of the Internet â€" at least the power of online social networking â€" to win the most recent presidency.

“Over and over it is the candidate that understands how to use the dominant medium, that becomes the most successful political candidate,” Schieffer said, adding that Obama wasn’t simply a “good speaker,” but he had a simple message â€" “Yes We Can” â€" and leveraged the Internet to get it out.

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  1. Jb Vick from FanDriveMedia, March 6, 2009 at 4:36 p.m.

    And wasnt it Frank Zappa who said "Politics was the entertainment division of the military industrial complex" . Never more true.

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