
Life After Audience-Buying: Individuals-Buying

That's the subtext I've been picking up on at OMMA Ad Nets in Los Angeles.

It was said during the agency panel earlier today. It was echoed during the "Ad Net Survival" panel a bit later. And it was emphasized by Initiative Managing Director Michael Hayes during his afternoon keynote.

"It's not about audiences," Hayes said about the shift taking place on Madison Avenue. "It's about individuals."

That's interesting, because parent Interpublic's Mediabrands has made a lot of noise about repositioning its media shops, and trading system Cadreon, around the notion that they are no longer buying media, but are now buying audiences.

Hayes' point is it's not good enough to buy audiences. You have to buy the right audiences for a brand, and that means systems and processes that aggregate large, "scalable" audiences of individuals.

2 comments about "Life After Audience-Buying: Individuals-Buying".
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  1. Joel Rubinson from Rubinson Partners, Inc., July 20, 2010 at 6:11 a.m.

    This echos my last blog, "what happens to traditional media when it goes digital?" I predict the breakdown of the meaning of "audiences" especially for advertisers. the fundamental common understanding and metrics between media, agencies, and advertisers will go spinning off its axis when we start targeting individual consumers differently who are watching the same media property. my blog:

  2. Alain Sanjaume from Mine, July 21, 2010 at 3:30 p.m.

    We are now entering the famous one to one marketing world.

    This trend from the 80's become reality with the emergence of new and stronger technologies.

    It is now possible to undertand the profile of users interacting with the brand. You can analyse the profile of those users real time and find the statistical twins of those specific audiences.

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