Scarborough Releases First Cell Phone-Only Findings

Keeping pace with the changing communication habits of younger consumers, earlier this year Scarborough Research completed the first wave of its surveys of cell phone-only households, a new regular service offered as part of its selected local market studies. This week, the company released its first findings from analysis of the CPO data, showing that CPO households tend to be younger and more diverse than landline households.

As expected, CPO households are markedly younger, according to Scarborough, which found that 50% of CPO respondents fall between the ages of 18 and 34 -- over three times the proportion of this age cohort in landline surveys.

CPO households also showed a larger proportion of ethnic minorities, with incidences of African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians in these households, ranging from 20% to 50% higher than landline households.

Scarborough plans to expand the CPO surveys from the current group of selected markets to cover all 77 of its top-tier local market studies.

The first expansion of local markets with CPO studies (with data to be released in April 2011) includes Los Angeles, Miami, Boston, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, San Francisco, New Orleans, Albuquerque, Birmingham, Colorado Springs, El Paso, Greenville, SC, Harlingen/McAllen, TX, Honolulu, Little Rock, Mobile, Nashville, Orlando, Raleigh-Durham, Richmond, San Antonio, Spokane, Tampa and Tucson.

The second expansion (with data to be released in October 2011) includes New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Washington, D.C., Bakersfield, CA, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Ft. Myers, FL, Grand Rapids, Green Bay, Greensboro, NC, Harrisburg, Hartford, Indianapolis, Louisville, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Providence, RI, Roanoke, VA, and West Palm Beach.

1 comment about "Scarborough Releases First Cell Phone-Only Findings".
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  1. Lilweeny Cohan from Scarborough Research and Harassment, October 4, 2010 at 2:51 p.m.

    Great, now these idiots are calling our cellphones too. These guys are OBNOXIOUS in their constant, non-stop harassment of the individuals that they contact to participate in their "surveys". They will continue to call day after day despite repeated requests not to call (both verbal and written), refusing to participate, sending to voice mail, answering then ignoring, and filing complaints with the National Do Not Call Registry, BBB, and the FCC. They are able to get around the do not call laws by claiming that they are a survey company and not a telemarketer. Their representatives will openly laugh at you if you threaten any action and, in my opinion, increase the frequency of the calls. If you are lucky enough to have a cable phone provider that allows you to block specific numbers from calling you, you will notice an increase in the "unknown caller" calls immediately following setting up the block. Coincidence? They are belligerent and persistant to the point of harassment no matter how mant times you ask them to stop or refuse to participate. Emailing them DOES NOT stop the calls as they claim and I suspect only confirms your phone number. This begs the question; if a high percentage (or any percentage for that matter) of the participants in these surveys are doing it only because that have been bullied into participating in an attempt to stop the harassment, can you trust the data? If you, as a business, truly care about your customers do you really want to be associated with a company like this. Just do a Google search on Scarborough Research and skim through all of the complaints. This is not a friendly company to deal with. If you are considering partering with these guys for any reason, please don't.

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