
Adjusting a cable buy -- on the fly

Targeting adults 25-54 and $75,000 plus TV viewers? That's the bare minimum for most TV marketers. But a media plan increasing needs to be fluid.

"Your consumer hasn't read your media plan," says Matt DelRe, manager of Google TV Ads, speaking at MediaPost's Re:Vision event. "They can change their mind in a week, in a quarter. They can change their mind as quickly as televison comes at them." In July DelRe says Google TV Ads will have the capability of adjusting a cable TV buy -- something Google TV Ads can focus on-- raising or lower gross rating points, depending on the changing volume of search terms.

Google TV Ads is a TV ad network which can offer 1,200 week gross cable/satellite TV rating points a week -- 30 million TV homes via Dish TV, DirecTV, Verzion FiOS, and many cable operating systems.



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