Is Twitter In A Tailspin?

Fortune takes about 4,000 words to say that Twitter is not well. "Besides the CEO shuffles, there are secret board meetings, executive power struggles, a plethora of coaches and consultants, and disgruntled founders," it writes. "These theatrics, which go well beyond the usual angst at a new venture, have contributed to a growing perception that innovation has stalled and management is in turmoil." Twitter exes say they spent much of last year investing in infrastructure to make the service more reliable, while they also have taken steps to address management shortcomings. "Yet even as management tackles its executive and product problems, a major challenge looms," according to Fortune. "Twitter needs to figure out what it wants to be when it grows up." Jack Dorsey, who co-founded the company four years ago, recently returned to help answer that question. According to Fortune, Twitter CEO Costolo is adamant that the company isn't a "social network." Then, asks Fortune, what the heck is it?
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