
B. Bonin Bough's Internet (Marketing) Of Things

Lauren Sella, Brand Manager fir iD Gum at Kraft, er Mondelez, just followed B. Bonin Bough’s presentation by showing how it’s being brought to life for its new iD Gum brand. The brand, which is targeted at teens, different versions of its packaging that relates to games consumers can play with them. In other words, the brand packaging has actually become an interactive gaming platform.

Asked if we would ultimately reach a point – you know, the Internet of Things point – when marketers like Kraft/Mondelez can actually change their product attributes in real-time, on real shelves for real consumers.

Bough said he ultimately thought that would likely happen, but cautioned, “We will right-size so that it’s appropriate for humanity.” (That line made me wonder what the “we” was that Bough was referring to, if not humanity?)

But before that happens, Bough said it is more likely that marketers will be able to utilize the technology to at least change “pricing,” or even packaging in “real time.”

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