WhatRunsWhere Launches Ad Tracking Tool For Google

  • October 22, 2012

WhatRunsWhere, the online media buying service that allows advertisers and ad agencies to track competitors’ online and mobile ad campaigns, has launched WhatRunsWhere Advantage, a stand-alone service that tracks ads across the Google Display Network. It allows smaller businesses to create and place ads across thousands of Web sites worldwide. The new service is being offered at an introductory price of $20 per month, or $200 annually.
“Many of our smaller customers place ads only on the Google Display Network, so they didn’t need the more robust capabilities of the complete WhatRunsWhere solution, said Mike Cojanu, CEO of WhatRunsWhere. "WhatRunsWhere developed WhatRunsWhere Advantage to zero in on their needs while reducing their costs.”

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