
Exiting Publicis CEO Maurice Levy's Last Holiday Video Hints At Successor

Every December, we have grown accustomed to seeing the otherwise reserved Publicis CEO Maurice Levy get all manner of crazy for the annual Publicis holiday video. This year, the video is no different, except for one small fact: Levy will exit Publicis in May 2017 and the video grabs that fact by the neck and rings it for all it's worth.

As Levy begins his annual update on the agency, moving men appear and begin to remove items from his office. Everything from lamps to pictures to the coat rack to Levy's golf clubs to plants. But when it comes to his candy jar and coffee mug, things get interesting.

As his candy jar is removed from his desk Levy gets up and puts it back. We then see a picture removed from the wall and a safe revealed. Inside the safe is a seemingly endless supply of candy jars which, as we later see, are removed with a pallet loader. But it's the coffee mug that's truly interesting.

Everyone knows Levy is retiring in May 2017 after 30 years at the helm of Publicis. Just as a mover is about to remove the coffee cup -- emblazoned with "I’m the Boss," -- Levy grabs it back, takes a sip and then places it on the desk again. The mover reaches for it again but it's seemingly stuck to the desk. Levy then lifts it without effort and takes another sip. When he places it back on the desk, the mover, again, attempts to lift it but can't. The mover even climbs atop the desk in a fruitless effort to remove the mug from the desk.

Now this is where it becomes even more interesting. If you see an analogy in the coffee mug scenario, it becomes quite clear a very specific message is being delivered. It's been speculated Publicis Communications CEO Arthur Sadoun will be Levy's successor. AdNews' Rosie Baker -- summoning the legend of King Arthur -- has surmised that the "I’m the Boss" mug can only be removed by, you guessed it, a man named Arthur. Arthur Sadoun to be specific.


As the video ends it is revealed the Levy's office will now be available for rent on Airbnb. The end of the video contains a link to an actual Airbnb listing for the office. It's all part of a promotion to give one lucky winner a 24 hour, all-expenses-paid CEO-style experience though it won't be in the actual office.

Those interested in the 24 hour experience has until December 22 to inform Airbnb what they'd like to do during that 24 hour period with the most creative answer winning.

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