New B2B Tool Analyzes Subtle Intent Signals, Firm Says

B2B intent data platform Intentsify is offering an upgraded tool that it describes as precision intent. 

In contrast to intent solutions that rely on topic and keyword lists and predefined models to generate intent signals, Intentsify seeks the subtleties in go-to-market messaging, the company says. 

Intentsify analyzes a brand’s messaging, webpages and online marketing materials to select and weigh what it claims are an unlimited number of topics, keywords, and products..

The goal is to help B2B businesses “deploy their time and resources where, when, and how they will have the greatest impact,” says Marc Laplante, CEO of Intentsify. 

The new tool incorporates the marketer’s first-party data and  third-party intent signals. It also provides visibility at the URL level, verifying the validity of the signal, it says.  

The firm points to research showing that 94% of B2B marketers beliefe intent data is effective at solving critical challenges. 

Intentsify says it has a patent pending. 





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