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Miller's Guerrilla Marketing For Sparks Targets Gen Y

Miller Brewing's Gen Y marketing for Sparks--a citrus-flavored malt drink laced with caffeine--is unlike anything it has done before. The Miller name is generally not connected with the efforts, there are no TV spots or radio jingles, and you won't see it promoted at sporting events.

Instead, Miller is using a chaotically designed Web site (, giveaways of Sparks at house parties and other gatherings, and the sponsorship of events such as art shows, where beer is usually not part of the scene. Miller's sales tactics for Sparks are similar to those used by other companies that hope to get young people talking about their products.

Sparks was created by McKenzie River, a San Francisco-based firm, to compete with Red Bull, a caffeinated, citrus-flavored drink that is mixed by club-goers with vodka. Miller last year bought Sparks, companion brands Sparks Plus and Sparks Light, and Steel Reserve malt liquor for $215 million. The brands make up just a tiny share of Miller's sales volume according to Eric Shepherd, editor of Beer Marketer's Insights, but sales are increasing rapidly.



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