

Friday morning. Milling around the continental breakfast at the AAAA media show, and Quantcast’s Konrad Feldman asks me if I know how to get wi-fi in the conference area?

“No,” I say, “unless you’re a big vendor whose paid for a node, there’s no access around here. You’ve got to go out to the pool, or the registration desk.”

“I guess digital isn’t everything,” quips Microsoft’s Beth Uyenco, alluding to the AAAA show theme: “Digital Changes Everything.”

For a show so focused on that theme, you’d think the AAAA would have figured out how to have a wi-fi cloud sponsored in the conference area. And what kind of media did the AAAA feature in the area? Radio. Yep, there were a couple of live, radio deejays interviewing attendees about the business and their impressions of the show. Sure, the station also aired online on the Web site, but come on guys, er new gal, get with the digital program.

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