Benny Forsberg

  • by November 12, 2009
Want to reach out to 1 billion mobile consumers? 1 billion - That is how many mobile phone users there will be with a 3G phone and dataplan in the beginning of 2010! (Morgan Stanley report Nov 2009). Let´s assume You want reach them all with Your mobile web content. What do You do? What´s Your options? To start with during 2010-2011 about 850 million will be using basic feature phones and 150 million smartphones. That is - all can reach your mobile web content but most on phones with small screens and awkward small buttons. And then there is the myrriad of different incompatible mobile platforms that requires multiple development teams. So, You will be longing for a way to develop mobile web content that is easy-to-navigate, develop once and function on all web ready handsets out there and that´s help the user with a seamless sync of thier personal data (like a universal contact book) among all their digital devices... What about a "open mobile" technology that do all this and that´s not wholly depend on wireless carriers to get mobile content in front of consumers. A free unified gateway to the mobile web for 1 billion users! Does there exist this kind of universal mobile ecosystem? Yes! The Universal Mobile Interface, UMI, is the answer and Squace mobile platform is the first product to adopt this idea! Now, Squace have done thier homework. During the last two years they have worked hard with state-of-the-art mobile solutions for the hardest part of mobile phone spectrum - the 850 millions 3G feature phones. The first working beta is now out and working on all those myrriad of 3G phones! And in the lab there is Android and iPhone apps running and waiting for the rest of the web ready handsets... In the meantime - reborn your good old 3G feature phone! The UMI White paper: Why Squace? About Squace:
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