YouTube Admits To Engineering Viral Successes

Putting an end to years of speculation, YouTube has finally copped to completely engineering the success of viral videos.

That’s right. As detailed in this full confession, Google’s video unit manufactures the success of every viral sensation -- from Gangnam Style to the Harlem Shake -- from a secretive Trends Laboratory.

The lab is now hard at work on this year’s viral hits, including Clocking, Kissing Dad and Glub Glub Water Dance.



Yes, the bombshell revelation is one of Google’s famous April Fools’ pranks, but it’s not without real application.

Hoping to increase engagement around this year’s April Fools’ stunt, YouTube is inviting viewers to submit their own viral trend ideas across social media channels.

“For the first time, we’re looking to you, the YouTube community, to submit your own viral trend ideas,” the video hub explains.

“Share your ideas using #newtrends on Twitter, Google+, or in the comments and our Meme Development experts will choose their favorites and make them official YouTube trends, complete with demo videos on

1 comment about "YouTube Admits To Engineering Viral Successes".
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  1. Carlos Pacheco from Truly Inc., April 2, 2014 at 10:06 a.m.

    That video is a straight shot at Vine who's been doing a really good job at taking away new talent and trends from YouTube.

    Also, if you're just realizing now that YouTube holds the valves then I have a miracle youth drug to sell you.

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