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Media Buyers' No-No Shows

How to measure what someone find objectionable is dependent on the advertiser. But the trade mag has found there are certain TV shows media buyers know many of their clients won't approve. Usually, it is sexual content or coarse language; sometimes, it's violent content of the kind that arouses complaints to the Federal Communications Commission.

Still, there is a consensus among media buyers as to the most objectionable shows, based on a survey by the magazine. At the head of that class is "The Jerry Springer Show," which showed up on the most lists of respondents. "Springer" touches all the hot spots: language, violence, the occasional exposed body part. And it is rich with infidelity and just about everything else. Other top scorers include Fox's "Cops"; FX's "Nip/Tuck"; "WWE," NBC's "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" and ABC's "Desperate Housewives."



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