John Ounpuu
Member since April 2016Contact John- Partner The Modern Craft
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- Twitter: @jounpuu
- Vancouver British Columbia
- V6B1A7 CAN
John Ounpuu is co-founder and partner at Modern Craft, a digital strategy agency specializing in unbiased advice on unifying and optimizing the full digital ecosystem. Before co-founding Modern Craft in 2014, John was vice president of strategy for Blast Radius in Vancouver, where he spent a decade guiding brands like Nike Golf, Nike Jordan, Microsoft, Starbucks and Electronic Arts as they embraced change and adapted themselves to the new challenges of the digital world. Prior to joining Blast Radius, John worked in software marketing and spent time in the tech startup world. And before that, he was a Juno-nominated musician and songwriter. John has been featured as a speaker by Forrester, BCAIM and BCAMA.
Articles by John All articles by John
- Brace Yourselves For A Rise In Anti-Technology Sentiment in
Marketing Insider on
In recent years, we marketers have tied ourselves closely to the tech industry, doing our part to fuel its rise. It seemed like a safe bet. The tech world was powerful, influential and cool. It was defining the future.
- What's Really Causing The Marketing Talent Crunch? in
Marketing Daily on
We seem to be in the thick of one such cycle now. But this one feels different - stronger and longer. More intense. With causes that are harder to pin down.

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