A year of political media and marketing that seemed to defy precedence is ending, as you might expect, on yet another unprecedented note: an ad campaign thanking the President of … Read the whole story
We may never know what impact paid media played in influencing the outcome of the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017," which signed … Read the whole story
Seventeen of the top 20 conservative websites tracked by TheRighting, a media company that aggregates articles and content from right-wing media outlets, experienced declines … Read the whole story
The Hill has hired four marketing executives to build the political news publisher's branded content business and market its upcoming video slate, set to … Read the whole story
Remember (or Google it, if you don't) the Watergate hoopla, when the press had enough power to help topple a U.S. president? We can … Read the whole story
The "More Than Nice" video, produced by three-time Oscar-winning cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki, shows the efforts of a group of volunteers who leave jugs of … Read the whole story
A Republican lawmaker is comparing paid prioritization to carpool lanes and Amazon Prime Read the whole story
Cybersecurity expert Aaron Boyd has joined Nextgov as senior editor for technology and events. Boyd joins Nextgov from Sightline Media Group, where he founded … Read the whole story
A statement released by The Times condemned Thrush's behavior and said it had conducted dozens of interviews "with people both inside and outside the … Read the whole story
Along with direct threats of violence, the social network is now taking action against content that glorifies or condones such acts. Going forward, Twitter … Read the whole story
When it comes to a transmitted representation of reality, we accept video as the gold standard. Of all our five senses, we trust sight … Read the whole story
The president has called the media "the enemy of the American people," the media is ready to steel itself against these attacks, beginning with … Read the whole story
Happy holidays. Barring a major breaking news story over the next week, here are the "most read" stories published by MediaPost in 2017. No. … Read the whole story