The Blaze's audience has surged 143% over the past year, catapulting it to the second biggest right-wing political news source in the nation, behind a long-dominant Fox News, according to … Read the whole story
Political revenues totaled $149.6 million in Q4 versus $15.5 million in Q4 2017, a non-election year. Sinclair says digital revenues climbed 22.5%. Read the whole story
"All politics is local." Former House Speaker Tip O'Neill's famous quote epitomizes why the American Advertising Federation's Day on the Hill next week is … Read the whole story
The Chinese government has been experimenting with a social credit program that rewards good behavior and punishes bad. Next year, it becomes mandatory. Read the whole story
While Big Pharma CEOs "were eager to indict a system they said is badly broken, they declined to commit to lowering their own prices," … Read the whole story